26 Pictures That Need A

Our eyes may lie to us more often than we think. Optical illusions are seen in everyday life. Viral Strange will list some pictures that really need a second look.Our eyes may lie to us more often than we think. Optical illusions are seen in everyday life. Viral Strange will list some pictures that really need a second look. Have you ever seen a picture that you had to look at twice (or perhaps multiple times) to understand what you’re looking at? WATCH BELOW

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Our eyes may lie to us more often than we think. Optical illusions are seen in everyday life. Viral Strange will list some pictures that really need a second look.Our eyes may lie to us more often than we think. Optical illusions are seen in everyday life. Viral Strange will list some pictures that really need a second look. Have you ever seen a picture that you had to look at twice (or perhaps multiple times) to understand what you’re looking at? WATCH BELOW

Dangerous demon dog

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What is happening here? Man’s best friend has somehow got hold of a sword and looks displeased.

Perhaps these drunk lads have summoned (and then angered) a hell hound.

Cheetah and the police

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“Do you know why I pulled you over sir?”


“Do you know how fast you were going?”

This photo certainly needs more context and we enjoy imagining what might be happening. Though we suspect it might be Photoshopped.


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This looks like one of those inexplicable stock photos which is completely illogical and for a very specific search that no one will search for.

Mario is certainly having a good time though.

Cow transport

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What’s going on here then? A cow being transported by crane into a boat? Does this happen a lot or is this chap starting his own Noah’s ark?

Boris Johnson on a swing

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been snapped many a time doing all sorts of weird and wonderful things. But we have no clue what’s happening here. The small child in the background doesn’t understand it either.

Ninja turtle escape

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One of the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles has escaped from the sewers and is wreaking havoc in this poor soul’s bathroom.

Clearly a case of too much pizza.

Bag manbag man

During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, when facemasks were in short supply and people were in a state of panic, there was a certain breed of people that were taking things too far in hilarious ways. This individual had seemingly used carrier bags as a full-body suit for protection.

Polar bear express

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Nothing to see here, just a polar bear catching public transport. The ladies standing on the pavement nearby don’t appear remotely phased by the appearance of the huge beast exiting the vehicle, so we assume there’s a great local story about it.

Sleeping deer

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Yes, you’re witnessing some deer casually sleeping. Nothing too abnormal, except when you realise they’re napping in the back of a car. Why? Where have they been? Where are they going?

Jedi pizza powers

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If you were blessed with the Force would you use your powers for good or for evil? Or would you just use them to eat pizza without getting messy fingers?

Foggy times

Ever wondered what happens when there’s a thick fog near a wind farm? Well, now you know. It looks like these windmills are travelling across the sea.

Dog loves marches

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This dog looks like he’s having a great time of it. He’s clearly really enjoying this march. We hope so anyway.

Granny on wheels

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Here’s a lady seen being escorted by some serious looking people. She’s also on wheels rather than legs, which is fairly unusual.

Dental mishaps

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This disgruntled individual obviously didn’t take too kindly to the dental work they received and decided to park their car in the side of the offices. But how?

Parenting is hard

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Parenting is hard and sometimes you just need a break. We’ve all been there. We’re not sure we’ve quite been in a position where we’d tape our child to the wall, but we have come close.

Bathroom bread

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This young chap is apparently overwhelmed by an unnecessary number of slices of bread that have someway found their way into this bathroom.

Alas, the story behind it is pure fiction as turns out it’s just a still from a film called “The Adventures of Foot Boy”

Cows just want to have fun

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This cow is utterly disappointed. All they wanted was the simple pleasure of being able to jump on a trampoline, but clearly it wasn’t built support their weight. Terribly sad.

The definition of chillin’

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What do you do if you have an excessive amount of swimsuit wearing models that are too hot to handle? Store them in a fridge apparently.

Skateboarding President

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Just your average day in politics with the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un seemingly teaching Donald Trump how to skateboard.

Go outside and play

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This looks like one kid has taken his parents too seriously when they told him to go outside and play rather than sitting in doors all day playing computer games.

At least they’ll be getting plenty of fresh air though.

Speedy wheels

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We’re not sure this mode of transport is terribly safe or road legal, but it is entertaining to look at.

Scuba diver on the subway

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Perhaps this chap is expecting the subway to flood and the train system to suddenly be an underwater affair.

We’re fairly sure seeing a man in full scuba gear on the train would be unsettling if nothing else.


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ConfusingImages/ @charlie42015

We’ve heard of smoked meats, but this is just ridiculous.

Wash your hands

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We’re not sure what’s going on here, but it’s definitely something fishy.

We wouldn’t recommend washing your hands in this bathroom.

Too many hotdogs

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This lad has an issue. We’re not sure what it is, maybe he either doesn’t like hotdogs or has just had too many? Or perhaps he’s vegan?

Whatever the case may be, the pooch in the background appears to be having a grand old time.

Unimpressed cat

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While the other chap looked really upset by the hotdogs, this cat looks utterly unimpressed by the whole thing.

Someone suggested perhaps they had entered a hotdog eating contest and were just waiting to start. Concentrating while doing so.

Shrek and donkey

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We can only assume this chap is off to a fancy dress party and he’s fully committed to it. Not only has he got an awesomely green Shrek face, but he’s even found a donkey to bring along with him. Who’s going to have a better time though?

Car laying an egg?

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We’d really like to know how this happened. At first, we thought maybe a flood washed the car on top of this rock, but then all the other cars are perfectly parked in their spots.

Maybe it’s just keeping its egg warm?

Happy bears

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Nothing to see here, just a collection of happy bears chomping on some juicy fruit. We’re not sure where all the apples came from, but these furry guys sure are happy about it.

An illusion

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This image looks like it belongs on our list of the best optical illusions. A boat seemingly floats not on the water, but above it. Defying the laws of gravity and physics. Probably realised that the water looks too good to touch.

Massive computer keyboard

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Bit Rebels

Why is there a keyboard in the ground? Well, it’s a sculpture built by Anatoly Vyatkin in 2005. It was designed to symbolise the cooperation of Asian and European communications and to represent the layout of an IBM PC.

What will future generations think when they see it?

Cats on the run

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These cats are on the run, but why? What from? And is it such a common occurrence that this on-looker doesn’t even think it’s special. Weird and wonderful.


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This photo looks like it comes from a scene out of Inception. A man inexplicably standing on a balcony that’s appeared out of the water. A city backdropped in the rear. Perplexing and yet somehow satisfying.

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