Have you ever thought about what that tiny pocket-within-a-pocket is for on your jeans? You know the one I mean; that little, seemingly pointless space that doesn’t seem big enough to hold anything.
If you’ve tried to see what fits in there, you’ll realize it’s way too small for a cellphone, and it’s tricky to stuff cash – whether coins or bills – in there. The same goes for a set of keys; there just isn’t enough space.
So what are those small pockets actually used for? Well, luckily for our curious readers, we have some kind of answer… and it might not be at all what you thought.
Whether they’re male or female models, if you look at a pair of jeans, chances are you’ll spot two pockets in the front and two in the back. What’s more surprising is finding a strange little pocket inside one of the front ones.
Go ahead and check it out. Almost all jeans have them but their presence often leaves most people scratching their heads.
As mentioned earlier, these pockets are way too tiny to hold anything important (even getting two fingers into them can be tough). So what do they really do?

Interestingly enough, to find where this came from we need to go back almost two hundred years. That little thumb-sized pocket isn’t something new; instead it was made as a practical fix for an issue that’s not really relevant today.
The creator behind this is none other than famous jean maker Levi’s.
According to UK newspaper The Independent , the first ‘extra’ pocket was introduced in the 1800s. Why? To help out the most common users of jeans back then… cowboys!
Cowboys typically carried their pocket watches on chains or inside their vests but both ways put those watches at high risk of breaking during daily activities.

To solve this problem Levi’s created a small pocket meant specifically for holding watches safely. By putting their watches in these tiny spaces cowboys could ride without worrying about them getting broken during rides.
How cool is that?
Honestly I had no clue! If you ask me it’s amazing how this design has lasted with jeans up until now! Cowboys may not exist anymore but their watch pockets sure do!